foto: Bruno Espadana

10 maio 2006

#  Na mouche

Num humorado artigo («Don’t be touchy, Cardinal») sobre os apelos da Igreja Católica ao boicote da versão cinematográfica d’O Código Da Vinci, Camilla Cavendish diz:
Hyperventilating about The Da Vinci Code, the Catholic Church has produced — guess what? — a rebuttal documentary. Forget the meek, the turning of the cheek: they’re fighting celluloid with celluloid, brother.

Os apelos, no entanto, parecem ter pouca receptividade junto dos fiéis, mesmo (ou especialmente?...) nos países esmagadoramente católicos:
The Vatican has already called on Christians to boycott the film when it airs this month — only to find that advance tickets have almost sold out in Catholic Italy, Spain and Mexico.

E a articulista do The Times conclui:
Yes, we’re all susceptible to superstition. How do you think religion got its first break?

Na mouche, sister.

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